Working with Types in TypeScript

Core Syntax and Features

Core Types

TypeScript introduces several basic types to help catch errors during development. These types include:

  • number: Represents all numbers (no distinction between integers and floats).

  • string: Represents all text values.

  • boolean: Represents true and false.

Note: TypeScript's type system only helps during development, before the code gets compiled.

Example Code:

function add(num1: number, num2: number) {
  return num1 + num2;

const num1 = '5';
const num2 = 2.8;

const result = add(num1, num2);


In this example, TypeScript will show a warning on num1 because it is a string, while the add function expects numbers. If we compile this code, we will get an error.

Correcting the Error:

To fix this, we need to ensure num1 is a number:

function add(num1: number, num2: number) {
  return num1 + num2;

const num1 = 5;
const num2 = 2.8;
const printResult = true;

const result = add(num1, num2);


Adding More Parameters:

If we want to pass an additional parameter, we need to update the function definition:

function add(num1: number, num2: number, printResult: boolean) {
  if (printResult) {
    console.log(num1 + num2);
  return num1 + num2;

const num1 = 5;
const num2 = 2.8;
const printResult = true;

const result = add(num1, num2, printResult);

Now, everything works fine. If we hover over num1, we see its type is number. If we try to reassign it with a string:

let num1 = 5;
num1 = '5';

TypeScript will show a warning because num1 is initially defined as a number.

Core Types Continued:


const person = {
  name: 'Sufiyan',
  age: 33


TypeScript will warn that nickname does not exist on the person object. If you hover over person, you'll see its inferred types:

const person: {
  name: string;
  age: number;

You can explicitly define these types:

const person: {
  name: string;
  age: number;
} = {
  name: 'Sufiyan',
  age: 33


const person = {
  name: 'Sufiyan',
  age: 33,
  hobbies: ['Teaching', 'Learning']

Here, hobbies has the type string[] (array of strings).

You can also define array types before initialization:

let sports: string[];

Assigning a non-array value will result in an error:

sports = 'sports'; // Error

Assigning an array with mixed types also causes an error:

sports = ['cricket', 1]; // Error

Instead, use any[] for mixed types:

let sports: any[];

However, using any is generally discouraged.


A tuple is a fixed-length array with specified types for each element:

const person = {
  name: 'Sufiyan',
  age: 33,
  hobbies: ['Teaching', 'Learning'],
  role: [2, 'author']

// Type: (number | string)[]

Updating tuple elements correctly:

person.role[1] = 'admin'; // No error

person.role = [1, 'author', 'teacher']; // Error

Using push is allowed but not recommended for tuples.


Enums define a set of named constants:


const person = {
  name: 'Sufiyan',
  age: 33,
  hobbies: ['Teaching', 'Learning'],
  role: Role.ADMIN

By default, enum values start from 0. You can customize these values:

enum Role { ADMIN = 5, READ_ONLY = 100, AUTHOR = 200 }

Enums can also have mixed types:

enum Role { ADMIN = 'ADMIN', READ_ONLY = 100, AUTHOR = 'AUTHOR' }


The any type allows any kind of value, disabling type checking:

let randomValue: any = 'Hello';
randomValue = 5; // No error

Using any should be minimized to retain the benefits of TypeScript.